Resolutions from 2017 (still relate)

Atraze's mind
2 min readNov 21, 2021

Well OK, since I know that I have more regrets than gratitude(s).. I know what my number one resolution should be:

1. Write one positive thing every day throughout the year.

Brace yourself. It might be difficult, yet it might be easy. Just do it and let see how far I’ll go? Maybe I will start writing after this post is published.. it can be one motivation / quotes / gratitude of the day.

2. Never say trash: F*** etc. Instead, replace it with Istighfar.

This is something that comes as a reflect so whenever I say it, I have to immediately replace it with something gooooood.

3. Not to be a procrastinator / deadliner.

‘Try’ is a word that has no certain output so I consider replacing it with MUST. I’ll also start to give an hour earlier for prep so I’ll have extra time to do my stuff earlier (my weakness is: thinking that extra time means leha-leha) — NO! IT’S FOR YOU TO DO YOUR STUFF EARLIER SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE IN A HURRY <- wow such a self reminder / self motivation / self help. Make sure you leave home 10 mins earlier than usual ;)

4. Go international.

Though I need some pills of happiness right now, my head can still detect enthusiasm so if there’s anything that matches my goals, I’ll pursue it and I’ll hope for the best :-)

5. Do research.

You still look for it — go for it until you find something that suits you. Read more journals and papers, do some literature study and start to build many interests.

6. Melody for guitar.

feeling numb on fingers? good because it means you’ve worked hard and you only need the practice to become something you want.
Anddd yes, I really want to play Cayman Islands so please work hard for it, can you, Atika? :’) (done)

7. Learn digital design.

An asset for everything. I told myself since it’s so hard if you don’t have such skill in this era. *For hobbies*

8. Wear an inner for hijab and socks.

I’ve worn it before but never feel comfortable nor settled. Bismillah for this year :-)

9. (I leave it blank for next ideas that may come up)

10. Be patience and be grateful :-)

I’ve been thru some hard times on pursuing my dreams; I know it’s not that hard but it is hard enough to make me angry and stressed (even I have to write this resolution TWICE) so..the next thing I want to do is be patience because Edison can be successful after 999th trial..
and be grateful because it is Allah who made me survive until this horrific semester with one-passed subjects…

